Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Word Cloud Generator

@plnaugle shared this link on Twitter and it made me think of a more kid friendly version of Wordle. It's ABCya! Word Clouds. Students simply type or paste text into the large box on the page, and click the arrow below that box to create their word cloud.
Once their cloud is created, they have options to change the font, colors, and layout in a more simple way than Wordle (at least for lower elementary kids in my opinion.)
Below their cloud is a button to save, which will save it as a jpeg. There is also a print button below the cloud. Below is a sample.

I'm still trying to figure out how to keep two words together, so if you know how, I'd love you to leave a comment and let me know the solution!
One disclaimer, I'm not trying to sound negative about Wordle. We use it a lot at our school and love it! This is just a nice alternative for younger students!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think you can put a squiggle dash or hyphen to keep words together- per samuel kilgore!