Monday, October 18, 2010

Endangered Animal Posters using Comic Life

Our second graders studied about endangered animals in Science and what people can do to help those animals. The students were divided into groups of 2, assigned a specific endangered animal, and gathered facts about their animal. Then, their teacher, Mrs. McCall, asked me to come teach a lesson for them to use their laptops to create a poster about their animal using Comic Life. I had loaded pictures of their animals on the school server to save the time of them looking for clipart. After showing the boys the basics of Comic Life, they were turned loose to create their posters. They loved the activity and their work came out great!

2A Endangered Animals posters on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

Susan Brooks said...

Love the display! They did a fantastic job with Comic Life. They have a great teacher to instruct them on the tool.